News Archive

New server, new look
Posted in Dream17 by Squirminator2k at 13/02/07 8:27pm CET

The new server is up and running. There are some minor glitches and wrinkles to be ironed out (and not "winkles," as I nearly wrote - ironing one of those is likely to be rather painful) but we're pretty much there now.

What do you think of the new layout? Pretty swanky, eh? It's been a collaborative effort between everyone here at Dream17 and now it's finally up. If you're not too keen on the new bright colour scheme then the skin option on the left sidebar allows you to change to the dark-purple colour scheme we used on the old site. We're planning on adding new colour schemes to the site in the future, including light and dark greens and... er... probably something else. Maybe blue. Or orange. Ooh, what about yellow? The possibilities are endless!

Oh, I completely forgot - we've added a rather basic Spreadshirt store to the site, where you can currently buy apparel of questionable quality! At the moment the Dream17 logo shirts aren't perfect, but they are an alternative way for you to donate money to the site to keep us going. I would personally recommend buying either this retro-gamer themed shirt or this awesome joystick shirt. We'll get some better logo'd shirts up when we're able.

[Edit by SupSuper] The site is still pretty fresh, so the forum hasn't been updated yet. And report any bugs you find to me ASAP!

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