17's Company/72 Ways to Die

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Re: 17's Company/72 Ways to Die

Post by Xinos » Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:55 pm

I didn't even know these existed until after T17F closed down and I saw this thread here. I am probably the most 'out of the loop' old member of this community.

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Re: 17's Company/72 Ways to Die

Post by Worm Mad » Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:01 pm

Blinx wrote:Hey now, I've improved my spulling alot since then.
*canned laughter* *applause*
Betong wrote:Oh wow, I remember these! Did I record for them? I seem to remember recording something, though I'm not in the episodes that have audio versions. Hmm...
Yup. You're in 'Zero goes to Hell' as MtlAngelus. It's available here: http://dream17.abime.net/fanstuff_fiction.php?id=3
Zeraaw wrote:I think I was just a huge fan of these franchises.
Thanks. I really need to start creating stuff and putting it out there again. :)
Xinos wrote:I didn't even know these existed until after T17F closed down and I saw this thread here. I am probably the most 'out of the loop' old member of this community.
It's never too late to get IN the loop! READ 17'S COMPANY TODAY! :D

That reminds me, I should probably remind Sup to put the 1772 movie script up.
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Re: 17's Company/72 Ways to Die

Post by Zeor » Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:42 am


We're still waiting on the last season of 72WTD, too, right?
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Re: 17's Company/72 Ways to Die

Post by SupSuper » Sat Sep 27, 2014 8:00 pm

Worm Mad wrote:That reminds me, I should probably remind Sup to put the 1772 movie script up.
It's up now: http://dream17.abime.net/fanstuff_fiction.php?id=2#id16
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Re: 17's Company/72 Ways to Die

Post by Worm Mad » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:15 am

I may have written a brand new final script and by 'may', I mean 'I have'.

Watch this space :)
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Re: 17's Company/72 Ways to Die

Post by Zeor » Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:39 am

[intense watching]
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Re: 17's Company/72 Ways to Die

Post by Worm Mad » Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:06 pm

Sorry about the wait with this. I ended up editing it a lot from the original draft so that's partly why it's taken so long. Also laziness.

Aaaanyway, I've sent it to Sup now so it should go up on the site fairly soon. Until then, here are some sneaky details:

* It's 16 pages long
* It's called 'Days of Forums Past'. If you like the X-Men, you'll probably get this reference.
* The continuity is a little shaky. This was a loving tribute to the shaky continuity featured in the movie, X-Men: Days of Future Past. It WASN'T because I couldn't be bothered to work out how to make the story work with the existing canon. Honest. ;)
*The Cast includes: Paul.Power, Zeor, Andrew Taylor, Blinx, SupSuper, Betong, MtlAngelus, Pickleworm, Nutter, Star and Moon, and Spadge. A couple of other people have non-speaking roles or are name checked.

But yeah, hopefully you'll all enjoy it. It's my tribute to the best damn forum ever and I had a lot of fun writing it. :)
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Re: 17's Company/72 Ways to Die

Post by Worm Mad » Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:47 pm

Oh, wait. I can just upload this here, can't I? :D
Days of Forums Past.pdf
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Re: 17's Company/72 Ways to Die

Post by Paul.Power » Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:22 pm

Mad just linked me to this. Fun times :).

Also, wow, it's been a while. Hi everyone.
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Re: 17's Company/72 Ways to Die

Post by Zeor » Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:16 am

Thanks for doing this, Mad, I love it. Very witty writing, and I get to be rad again. :D


Alright, I'll say all this out loud, even if it's only tangentially related. This made me all retrospective about our community and all, and that brings me to thinking about my past self, and usually I hate almost everything about my past self. But I remembered something specific, maybe because of the state of mind I've been in for the past couple of weeks, and maybe because I usually feel like it's one of my more embarrassing moments.

Remember that fish?

Its name was Jack. Just a betta which I think I'd gotten for my birthday or some such, had a little tank with a little filter on it. I was pretty jazzed about it. And of course it died almost immediately for unspecified causes. Infer metaphors from this applying to the rest of my life at your leisure.

Gods, I was heartbroken. Just beside myself about this poor little fish that I don't think I even had for a day. I had posted a thread about it publicly asking SomePerson (remember SomePerson? He was good people) if he had any ideas of why the fish was croaking. So distraught. Of course there was no saving the little guy.

That's... the kind of person I was, I guess. Maybe still am. The kind of person who goes to shambles when a fish dies. Too much emotion or something. ...I guess that's why I've always hurt so much. Because I've always cared so much.

But the interesting and relevant thing about this is that I didn't think twice about posting that thread in OD going on about how sad I was about this fish. No apprehension there, just trust. I knew you guys. Everyone in OD was my friend, even if AndrewTaylor sometimes couldn't resist poking the sore spot with a stick.

Wasn't like that anywhere else. When I was right on the cusp of my teenager years, I switched school districts and started spending the rest of my life learning continuing lessons about how relentlessly cruel humans are. I was bullied daily. If I ever had any idea what it was like to fit in or be accepted, I forgot it.

All that was different here. ... I think this is the only place, before or since, where I ever really felt like I fit in. ...I can't help but think this community honest-to-God is the best thing that ever happened to me. I met my best friends Munkee and Pikkul here even if they're not really called that anymore, and I've talked to Munkee almost every day for something like 12 years straight. Pikkul's really busy these days though. The rambling point is... They, and many of you, are the only people on Earth I trust.

...I dunno if I have any point here besides that. Guess I just got all emotional.

tldr: I love you guys.
Zero72, Team17 Forum member (and former Cartoonist), June 2002 - June 2013.

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Re: 17's Company/72 Ways to Die

Post by MonkeyforaHead » Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:22 am

There was a signature here. It's gone now.

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Re: 17's Company/72 Ways to Die

Post by Worm Mad » Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:56 am

It's better to care too much than not enough.

Like you, I had some bad experiences with people when I was younger (partly because of my walking disability, partly because kids are shits). I found things got better when I got to college as the nastiest types had left by that stage and University was even better but those early years still sting.

The Team17 Forum was really special to me (as you might have guessed from the script). We were a varied bunch of people from different backgrounds and countries, our only connection seemingly being our love of Team17's games. But the Open Discussion forum really brought us together as a community. Being allowed to talk about other things than just Worms, we were able to be creative, funny, serious, whatever we wanted to be. That's not something you can always do out in the real world. You worry if you act in a certain way, you'll be viewed as quirky or weird, so you do everything you can just to appear 'normal' (only to end up appearing boring and quiet).

People point to the trolls who harass people online as being proof that the internet is a bad thing while missing all the ways it's helped people who would otherwise have no voice. The internet doesn't make people into monsters, it shows the world who we really are. It showed me a community of brilliant, funny, sensitive people and let me be part of that. Modern social media platforms aren't the same - I feel more alone, not less, when I log into Facebook.

Anyway, the script probably expresses a lot of this stuff better than my rambling (if you look past the jokes). Really, I just wanted to echo what Zeor said.

No matter how much time passes, I will continue to care about all of you. If your lives are going well, I'm happy. If they're not, I'm depressed. And sometimes, I feel angry because I wish we could all just set up a company together and make awesome things and I know that's not feasible but I'd really like it to be.

tldr: I love you guys too :) Glad you liked the script!
Worm Mad - is he a mad worm or a person mad about worms? I'll give you a clue - it's not the first one.

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