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Try them out! Try them all out!
Posted in Archived by Pooka at 01/01/70 12:59am CET

So, you've thought of buying this Team17 title but you're unsure as to if you'd like it? Well, fear not, for I've provided all the Team17 Demos from over the years, so now can download stuff from Dream17 which you don't need an AMIGA emulator to play!

So now you can try out Addiction Pinball, Arcade Pool, Worms, Worms 2, Worms Armageddon, Worms World Party, Worms Blast, Worms 3D, Nightlong, Phoenix, Superfrog or World Rally Fever on your PC! Go on, give 'em a blast! Freshly available from the Goodies section, and courtesy of your friends at Dream17.

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