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"Super-Frog 3D" Fan Project to change?
Posted in Archived by Squirminator2k at 14/06/05 8:00pm CEST

It's expected that a Fan-Project like this would cause a bit of a buzz, and it has done. Over the past couple of days this site has been posting nothing but news on the Real Spawn Productions Project, from its cancelling to its resurrection. Now it seems the project will be changing - it's still going to be a 3D Platformer, but it's not going to be starring SuperFrog. Rene Pol informed me in an email today:

"I really wanted to obtain the game licence of team17 but they didnt want to give or sell it to me.

It seems they have plans of there own. However what started out as a fan game will be a full commercial Project. Name and character will change aswell as storyline. This is cause i invented some new cool game Ideas. Change of website will be soon aswell as more info.

Whatever Real Spawn intend to do with this project, I wish them good luck. It looks promising, if a little Mario64-esque (as has been pointed out by almost everyone who's looked at the project website). Still, whichever way you look at it, this is a blessing in disguise - whether Team17 intended to let us know that they had more SuperFrog in the pipeline or not, this gives us hope for something Team17/SuperFrog fans have been waiting for years.

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