News Archive

Minor Tweaks and Updates
Posted in Archived by Squirminator2k at 28/05/04 2:30pm CEST

I've rejiggled the Softography+ and added a couple of unexpected updates. Firstly, I've removed some of the horizontal lines seperating some of the games, which were getting a little tedious to say the least. The only horizontal lines on the site now are seperating the Main games from the Budget games, and the Budget games from the various types of Bundle Pack. Etcetera.

Next up we've got two new games added to the Softography+ complete with ADFs - Kingpin, the link for which has been broken since the site launched until now, and Miami Chase, a game which pre-dates Full Contact! An interesting find, too.

I do still intend to re-organise the Softography+ to make it a little nicer-looking, but for now it's fine as it is. We'll wait until the Softography+ is actually finished before I start moving things around and confusing everyone - myself included! I think I will be taking a break this weekend to catch up on my jobhunting and mainly relaxing. I've earnt it!

Oh, and I made a minor tweak to the Dream17 logo up there, making it more defined, giving it a drop-shadow and realligning the "The Team17 Fansite" text to the bottom-right of the logo.

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