News Archive

Dream17 needs your help...
Posted in Archived by Squirminator2k at 13/12/06 1:31am CET

At the moment, Dream17 is very generously hosted on a server maintained by our resident Worms Correspondent, Cyclaws. However at some point during next year, Cyclaws will be shutting his server down because, well, he can't afford it. And understandably so, seeing as Dream17 is the biggest thing he currently hosts, and it's huge. Very huge. If you saw our bandwidth usage each month you'd wince.

Which is why we're now asking for your help. At some point next year, Dream17 will once again be moving servers. For the first time since its inception nearly three years ago, someone will have to actually pay for its hosting. As this is a project I operate in my spare time and I currently don't make any profit from it, I don't know if I can afford to pay out of my own pocket for it, at least not in the long haul. This is why we need two things to happen.

The first thing, and this is a priority, is that we need someone to help us come up with some merchandise. I've dabbled in this before, but most online store places need vector art files and I've always worked with pixels. Vector art is totally out of my depth. At the very least I need someone willing to convert our logo into a vector file so that we can begin using it as a basis for all sorts of crazy rubbish.

The second thing we need is for people to actually start clicking the Paypal "donate" button up the top there. Honestly, it's actually gathering dust at the moment. We get less than £10 worth of donations a year. I never started this site with the intention of making a profit, and that £10 quite happily covers the cost of the domain, but times they are a-changin'.

If you're able to help us vectorfy our logo, drop me an email and we'll get talking. In the meantime, please help us out by donating. The last thing I want to see is this website vanishing into the ether, and I know that you'd hate to see that to.

Posted by AmiKit at 14/12/06 12:37pm CET

I just made a donation. Keep up the good work!

Posted by mathieu at 15/12/06 12:18am CET

mail me your current and/or prospect datatraffic, maybe i can sponsor you a server Wink

Posted by aPEX at 15/12/06 8:43am CET

Just send a donation from the Amiga community! 8)

Posted by mulder77 at 15/12/06 12:57pm CET

Why not use BitTorrent?

Posted by Torrents at 15/12/06 2:03pm CET

I'll be glad to help you seed a torrent for years. I'm in china and the downloads speeds suck unless using torrents.

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