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New 2D Worms for PC in 2007? And Worms XBL update
Posted in Archived by Squirminator2k at 28/12/06 3:51pm CET

Martyn Brown has, I think, excelled himself in his ability to give horrendously vague answers. I can't really blame him - Team 17 has agreements all over the place with various partners and companies, so he says what he can. Except sometimes he doesn't even do that, but I digress.

Over on the Team17 Forum, someone by the name of |Dark| has asked "I want a new 2D Worms for PC too, you really wanna let the PC-community play a game from 1998 for all time?" to which Spadge has responded simply:


2007 will be interesting.

This could be interpreted one of two ways. Either the "No" means, "No, we're not making another 2D Worms game for the PC," or "No, we're not just going to let people play a game released nearly ten years ago," which may well mean that a new 2D Worms game could be released some time next year.

Or it could simply mean "No." That's the problem with vague statements - they're vague.

Thanks to Bonz for passing this info our way.

Meanwhile, on the Worms for XBox Live Arcade front, Spadge confirmed following a question regarding PR for Arcade releases that they are "However, we're about to move into top gear..." (source) suggesting that we may hear some actual publicity for the game fairly soonish.

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