News Archive

Posted in Archived by Squirminator2k at 11/05/04 11:37am CEST

Recently FW, one of the staff over at the currently closed WorMatriX, had an accident in his home resulting in part of it being lost to a fire. Thankfully he and his family are alright and both Pooka and I wish him the best for what is proving to be quite a horrid year for him so far. Hopefully you're out of the woods now, eh Ev?

Work on the site has been delayed somewhat by the recent re-launch of my webcomic (as well as certain family members hiding my copy of Phoenix for No Apparent Reason) but I do intend to get as much work done on the site as I can. As my friends and family know I recently lost my job. I've devoted a little time to working on both sites beind the scenes but primarily my time is spent either looking for work or spending as much time as I can with my girlfriend.

In Team17-related news, I have a friend going to E3 this year so I will ensure that he snags some shots of the Worms Forts: Under Seige booth/table/thing while he's there.

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