
Frog’s Original Miscellany

Welcome to a section of the site which is dedicated to encountering Superfrog on your travels – basically, anything you see connected with Superfrog, take a snap of it and send it in my direction, and I’ll stick it up here!



Penny Wyatt sent in this picture of a copy of Superfrog she spotted while browsing through an Amiga show.

Interestingly there’s also a disk marked “Aminet” in the picture – that’s a site about the Amiga, isn’t it?




Superfrog in Worms Blast | Superfrog in Worms 3D

Information about everyone’s favourite amphibian vs. everyone’s favourite annelids.





This is from the Amiga game Happy Monster. Do you notice any similarities, perchance?




Thanks for Leo for sending this in. In case you’re wondering, this is an iPAQ, running an emulated version of Superfrog. Superfrog on the go! Brilliant!



guardian 27

Well, not exactly Superfrog… but close!


From the Guardian (G2 supplement), 27/07/07.





Thomas Sutherland sent this piece of information in:

There’s a Wii Homebrew game called “Scogger”, a puzzle game with a frog.

This game doesn’t actually mention that it uses Superfrog music in it (that displeases me),” says Thomas, “but I’ve played it, and it does.

Morti, having played Scogger, can confirm that it does indeed use unaccredited Superfrog music.




This screenshot is from Forest Dumb Forever!, a game “released in Poland (maybe not only Poland, but I'm not sure) as [a] commercial game for Amiga”, along with its predecessor, Forest Dumb. It’s basically a rip-off from Superfrog.

Thanks to Karol Wisniewski for this information.





Superfrog fan Lewis Hay in one of the latest fashions.








On the Team17 classic “Alien Breed”, made by the same development team as Superfrog, there is an advert for Superfrog. Squirminator2K was kind enough to take screenshots of all the slides from the advert.

xtra_alienbreedse_img02 xtra_alienbreedse_img03

xtra_alienbreedse_img04 xtra_alienbreedse_img05

xtra_alienbreedse_img06 xtra_alienbreedse_img07

Rare promo shots in the same style:

promo1 promo2

And here are some shots of an unfinished Superfrog, early development style. I want to play this version! Thanks to Thomas for these.

025  029  037  075

Leo also sent in a couple of shots of Superfrog running on a couple of different OSs:


Mac Superfrog

MorphOS Superfrog

Mac OS X
