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Worms Blast
Year of Release

Ubi Soft Entertainment Software

GameBoy Advance, Gamecube, Macintosh, PC CD, PC Steam, PlayStation 2
Screenshot 03
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The Team17 Softography Says...
"Preheat your PC to a comfortable temperature before inserting the Worms Blast disc and lightly fluff your seat before settling down for the main course.

Once comfortable, take the big chunk of puzzle-styled gameplay and slice into 60 fun-sized missions. Sprinkle with a fiendishly challenging puzzle mode, and mix in a tasty tournament mode, not forgetting to include the unlockable hidden features. Spread this mixture over a multiplayer head-to-head game guaranteeing fun for yourself and your friends, and allow to simmer...

When enjoyment is boiling, add in a generous helping of entertaining characters, boat-based silliness, fog, sea monsters, and falling anvils. Add bazookas, dynamite and unprecedented destruction to taste.

This recipe should serve a truly hefty helping of fun!"

Dream17 says...
Team17 have done this sort of thing before - taken a well-knonw genre and given it a little twist. In this instance, they took the gameplay of games such as Puzzle Bobble and Super Bust-A-Move and added a few tweaks and such, and ended up with a pretty damn addictive puzzle game. Unfortunately it wasn't received well by any magazine that wasn't Nintendo-related, and it proved that you can't stick a popular brand on a game and expect it to sell. Despite all of this, it is a good game.

Posted by Shirdel at 14/04/07 4:06pm CEST

GG Very Happy or Laughing

Posted by jayr at 07/10/07 6:31am CEST


Posted by k00kish at 03/06/08 1:14pm CEST

This game awesome!:-D

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